Andace Rose

Browsing Archive: June, 2011


Posted by andace rose on Thursday, June 30, 2011,
We as humans are defined by our failures but should be inspired by our regrets. 

Never make the same mistake three times.  (I would say twice but I usually fall twice before I get it.)

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Back In Business

Posted by andace rose on Thursday, June 16, 2011,
I can't sleep on our sheets, I can smell your lies;
Bathing them in pure yet the reality remains so who's crazy, you or I?

I've been gone for a minute,
But I am back.

Parasailing, floating off into my artificial fantasy sky.

I am remembering me.

Although less than desirable,
This is good bye.

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It's My Birthday!!!

Posted by andace rose on Wednesday, June 1, 2011,

No more excuses, it's official I am an adult. I am going to own this decade. A new beginning doesn't have to start at New Years but whenever you reach that mark where you decide to go hard or go home. All the mistakes I have made and the things that I have lost have made me who I am. I don't regret a thing. Hello to 30!

To all the awesome Gemini's out there, twins let's rock!

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