Andace Rose

Browsing Archive: May, 2011

Pulse Check

Posted by andace rose on Sunday, May 22, 2011,
Sometimes second best may have its benefits but I don't want to be anyone's after thought.  The literary world is highly subjective and day after day it deals me it blows.  Rejection comes at a price but not so high that i'll let my ambitions take a lethal toll.  The voice in my heads drives me, write or die!
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Excerpt from "30 Days Till Death"

Posted by andace rose on Saturday, May 14, 2011,
"If patience is my only hope to live, a stray bullet would crash through my windshield at the first idle objection of having any in measure and plant itself right into the left most functional side of my brain.  Manslaughter of my most feared enemy, my single deepest flaw."

I felt like that today, sitting at the light on the corner of Long Pond and real life.  I have to keep pushing, my time will come.

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Happy Mother's Day

Posted by andace rose on Sunday, May 8, 2011,
She is all things wonderful, a support system like no other;
I am eternally inspired by her patience and commitment to being the greatest mother, ever.
I love you mommikins!

To all the mother's who take the job seriously and excel, you are loved and appreciated beyond words, know that the world could not turn without you.

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Posted by andace rose on Sunday, May 1, 2011,
Rolling in the deep end of a shallow surrender of a dream is something that us overachievers will never know.

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