Andace Rose

Browsing Archive: January, 2012

Sleep With Me

Posted by andace rose on Sunday, January 22, 2012,

I just need some time; time to lay with you and count the stars

Bring this whole thing full circle; be your sheep in the dark

The weary don’t need rest, sleep when you die

I know you are tired but it’s only a matter of time

Before your resilience meets the remarkable state of my mind

Eyes wide shut not dreaming of you, or me and not of you and I

A horizontal fantasy gone but lying awake and alone, succumbing but at least you tried

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Year In Review

Posted by andace rose on Sunday, January 1, 2012,

11 Things I (really) Learned in 2011


1.Everything doesn't always have to happen for reason, some things just happen...period

2.Unanswered prayers can be a blessing too

3.Motivation is not easy to come by, get it however and wherever you can

4.Sometimes you just have to dance to keep from crying


5.It's a four letter word until further notice

6.If you love someone let them go, you can't exist on pause worrying if they'll come back to you or not

7.If a person is who they have alway...

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