Andace Rose

Not Meant To Be

October 29, 2015
I dont really know you and I probably never will
You're not a good person and life is unfortunately full of unfair deals

I know God handed out hearts
But where is yours
You're like this empty vessel headed straight to hell

I don't really know you and I probably never will
I wish you could be an ex
Because those don't mean much

But I'm psychologically dispositioned 
To require your love and approval and touch

I don't really know you and I probably never will
I wish you were a better person but you're not and I still

Nice To know You

September 23, 2015
It was nice to know you, but I don't need you
Never did

You're a slot in space passing a void in time
No hard feelings because I didn't give you a piece of me
Just a fraction of mine

No bad blood
No love lost
Just two incompatible souls

Once on, now indefinitely off
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Chances and truth

August 26, 2015
It's time to stop talking, just take a breath
Hold it, think and release

Catch the alternative and be free

Let doubt die, blow the ashes in the wind
Eyes open, really see

Throw caution into infinity and flee

I can only be true to one person in this life
And that's me

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Soul Search

July 28, 2015
Anything worth having requires fasting and prayer.
Don't be all in unless you've gone all out.

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What I Know

June 23, 2015
I wasn't in the light
But I desperately wanted to be

The power of the Holy Spirit
Even in the midst of sin was still with me 

He's the greatest love of all
No man will ever love me unconditionally like he

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Think of Me

May 14, 2015
Nobody's perfect, but I'm closer to it on the inside more than
I'll ever be on the outside.  
Do you have x ray vision?
What  do you see when you look at me?
Beauty is actually only thought deep.
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April 14, 2015
Leave living a dull life to dull people.  
Make memories not worth forgetting;
And smile when there's nothing left to say.

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March 28, 2015
If people were products.  They sure don't make them like they use to.
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March 20, 2015
Sometimes I feel like a brooding genius
Insightful, enlightened and open
Other times a moody bitch

What I know for sure is one minute I'm on
Then gone forever like the darkness in a room before dawn
Controlled by the flick of a switch

So much uncertainty is what lies beneath
I'm no longer who I once was
So the future of us remains to be seen
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Social Pretense

March 2, 2015
The idea of truth is better than the actual truth
A still of perfection, idealism and endless youth

Conversations and interest that are remarkable and mutual yet they have no real face  
Emotions so intense and beautiful captured in the moment mean nothing, is fleeting and will be erased

Connecting to dozens, hundreds and even thousands at a time
Yet remaining anonymous because everything you think you see and really know, is all a lie
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